If you have any questions about our Website and what we do, please try to find the answer in the information listed below.
OUR KiDS iMAGiNE™ is a platform which seeks to represent kids’ imagination embodied in their drawings and inventions, as well as to give parents the opportunity to upload, organize and store their kids’ Art in an electronic form by creating their own Profile and use Kids’ Art Upload form. Moreover, OUR KiDS iMAGiNE™ is an initiative for development, public offering and Commercial Realization of products and services based on kids’ Art. Check how we do this here.
OUR KiDS iMAGiNE™ targets everyone that enjoys kids creativity and would like to support it.
You could read more here on how the idea of OUR KiDS iMAGiNE™ popped up and who stands behind it.
OUR KiDS iMAGiNE™ is a registered trademark of Solution Finder Ltd.
The Website is publicly available and part of its functionalities and content might be accessed without registration. A Registration would be required in case you would like to use the following functionalities:
- to share Art publicly – Art that you created when you were a kid, or Art of your own kids;
- to include Art on which you hold a copyright and thus make it possible to be reviewed and maybe approved to get into our Commercial Realization program;
- to buy Products from our Online Store.
You may register only if you are 18 or more.
At OUR KiDS iMAGiNE™ art authors are between 3 and 14 years old. This is the age they were when they created their art. Their age at the time the art is shared on our site may be over 14 years.
Art may only be shared if you are its Author or a legal representative of the Author. We believe that copyrights should be respected and protected and that is why we would accept Art from you only if you are the copyright holder and you can make decisions about it. As such, you choose to use our platform to share Art, you agree to grant Solution Finder the exclusive right to use the Art. Therefore you need to get acquainted with the Terms and Conditions and assess the consequences of registering on our Website and providing the Art thereof.
By sharing images of art through our platform:
- You have a tool that helps you organize and store their images in electronic form;
- You can share them with your friends around the world;
- You give them a chance to be selected for commercial realization in accordance with our products’ development policy;
- If you receive a notice from us that we have chosen Art uploaded by you to our site for commercial realization, you, in your capacity of representative or author, are entitled to a payment of 0.5% of the net revenue in BGN generated by the sale of the product based on this art. You can read more in our Terms & Conditions, Section V.B., Art. 22
When we spot art that has the potential to be developed as a product or part of a product, we are going to send you a formal notification by email. We will let you know that the particular art will be used for commercial realization purposes. From the date of this email, we are actively engaged in developing and manufacturing the product, taking the time and care this end. In addition, from the time of the notification, we apply an Open Book Policy regarding this art entitling you to request, once per quarter, a report on the sales of the product related to this art. Read more in our Terms & Conditions, Section V.
Each art selected for commercial realization is also marked on our site with this proprietary sign:
And here you can see the drawings that have already been selected.
You can make a payment in four ways, regardless of the method you have chosen, the final amount due is the same, i.e. there is no extra charge for processing the payment:
- cash on delivery – you pay cash to the courier upon delivery of your order; this option is only available in Bulgaria;
- by bank transfer to a bank account of Solution Finder through the virtual POS terminal of Allianz Bank Bulgaria, accessible through our Site;
- with a debit or credit card via the virtual POS terminal of Allianz Bank Bulgaria accessible via the Site;
- through your profile with PayPal, or, if you do not have one, with a credit / debit card through the secure online payment system of PayPal.
You are asked to provide us with personal data when you visit our website and want to become a registered user, or when you contact us through our online contact forms. We need to collect and process your personal data in order that you are able to have access to and use our services. Solution Finder is committed to limit the collection of personal data only to data needed to provide the services as per our Terms & Conditions, to ensure that its confidentiality is respected and to prevent unauthorized access to it. We only collect personal data through the user registration page, the profile page, the checkout form of our online store and the contact forms on our website. We do not share your personal data with any third party unless we are required by law. For further details, please read thoughtfully our Privacy Policy.
If you were not able to find here what you have been looking for, drop us a message on our Contact form.